Challenges and Tools for Social Investment in Long-Term Care

SPRINT Social Investment Approcah of Long-Term Care

SPRINT - Adam Richards

SPRINT - Bent Greve

SPRINT - Alexandra Lopes

SPRINT - Virginija Poškutė

SPRINT - Platon Tinios

SPRINT - Hans-Joachim Reinhardt

Anton Hemerijk - The Social Investment Concept

SPRINT - Dario Barbieri

Tine Rostgaard - The Reablement Programme

Ms Ana Carla Pereira | Long-term care in the EU

Mr Miltiadis Kyrkos

Dr Claudia Zilli | INNOVACARE study: Enhancing innovation in elderly care

Mr Ben Jupp | Social investment in practice

Dr. Spasova - Mr. Vanhrecke | Social investment and national policies on long-term care in Europe

Mr Stecy Yghemonos

Mr Borja Arrue

Prof. Piotr Szukalski

Dr Jose-Luis Fernandez | Considerations for investment policy decisions