- To determine the current landscape of organisation and resourcing of LTC in order to understand the place in the discussion that social investment currently has and how the principles of social investment are or might be used to improve provision in a fashion that is welfare enhancing.
- To investigate the role of the various actors involved in the delivery and/or financing of long-term care with the aim to assess their contribution in ensuring the efficiency productivity and adequacy of long-term care services.
- To set the background for an examination of how social cost-benefits analysis might be applied in the field of LTC.
- To identify and catalogue existing social investments in long-term care by presenting the organizational and legal features of resourcing and delivering long-term care in selected EU and non-EU countries and by analysing different schemes according to their social and economic return, costs, economic and non-economic risks and the generation of social goods.
SPRINT Conceptual Report on LTC
Role of Public & Private actors in delivering and resourcing Long-Term Care services
The Long-Term Care Resourcing Landscape
The SPRINT project has used the SHARE data for its research. The relevant parts could be downloaded here:
Benchmarking Long Term care in Europe: Exploring the SHARE data.