Photo_Changing_Europe_Confer_4SPRINT along with other 13 Horizon 2020 EURO-SOCIETY projects was pleased to take part in the Conference entitled “Changing Europe – what the research in social sciences and humanities tell us about changing Europe” to explore the scope, challenges and ambitions of the HORIZON 2020 EURO 2014 call (Overcoming the crisis: New ideas, strategies and governance structures for Europe).

The two-day event tackling the four priorities of the call, including “EURO-3 European societies after the crisis” took place in Brussels, on 19-20 November.  The event, hosted by DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission, focused on the key research issues to be addressed by the projects funded under this call.

For the SPRINT project, it was a first opportunity for the knowledge gained so far to be presented for analysis and inspiration and to share experiences and views with the audience, full of peer projects, project partners, academics, experts and staff from EU institutions.

Attendees were able to discuss the socioeconomic aspects of social investment and solidarity within the current EU and national policies during the workshop chaired by Fritz von Nordheim from DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and draw inspiration on a panel discussion featuring speakers from five research projects sharing their findings, priorities and use of data.